our partners
One of our core values is to love our neighbors. We encourage people to do this individually and we do it corporately – reaching out as Peace Community Church to our neighbors. We host community events, partner with neighborhood schools, and serve in strategic community organizations.
Real Help for Homeless
Our work and care for the homeless in our area isn’t typical. They actually are part of our fellowship and community, and we consider them our friends.
We provide encouragement, and design our support so as not to enable. Rather, we seek to encourage personal responsibility so that our friends maintain their self-respect while fellowshipping with us.
We have run a food bank from our church, supported the Kings Ministry, a former Colfax homeless ministry, and the Women of Peace group finds new ways to serve the needy each year.
Entertainment for All
As part of our service, we have brought educational Christian entertainers and entertainment into our church for the benefit of members and the community.
WaToTo Children’s Choir provided a colorful lively concert for their US fundraising tour; Ted and Co offered us lots of laughs with their Christian Comedy Acts; The Galloping Gourmet, Graham Kerr and his wife, shared their testimony from alcoholism and fame to Christian witness.
We’ve been blessed by musical performers and concerts including Blue Grass bands such as Colorado’s own, Fireweed, Classical Guitarist, Dave Evans, and even Opera Singer, Sarah Michaels.
Community Socials
We like to share the fun life found in Christ with our community and enjoy it among our members.
For the Community: Valentine’s Day “You Are Loved” Party, Halloween Harvest Festival Party, July 4th Giveaways in the Park, Mother’s Day Ladies Tea just to list a few.
For our Church: Inter-Church Passion of Christ program, International Worship Service, Missions Festival, Annual Private home Christmas Ladies Tea, Men’s Ministry Building Projects to list a few of the more recent ones.
Real Help for Homeless
Our work and care for the homeless in our area isn’t typical. They actually are part of our fellowship and community, and we consider them our friends.
Well-Known Speakers
We continue to offer insights and knowledge by inviting world renown theologians and respected local professionals to speak at Special Event Sundays. Here is a list of the most recent persons:
Dr. Craig Blomberg, an internationally recognized New Testament Scholar; Dr. Doug Groothuis, an internationally known apologist; Dr. Richard Hess, author, speaker, and editor of the New International Version Bible; Joel McFarland, counselor with Southwest Counseling Associates; Dr. William Klein, professor of New Testament Theology at Denver Seminary.
And, Darrell Scott, a crusader since his daughter’s death in the Columbine High School tragedy, co-founded The Columbine Redemption and co-authored the bestselling book Rachel’s Tears and Chain Reaction.
Mennonites adopted education as a fundamental necessity for their communities since its inception. Training through workshops, courses and outside speakers develop the spiritual, familial, marital, psychological, financial and communal lives of members of our church and community.
Here’s what we’ve done in recent years: Myers Briggs Individual Type and Church Type training, Conflict Resolution and Mediation Training, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Freedom courses, to list a few.
For the Young, we have offered WyldLife for Teens and WhizKids Tutoring
state-wide IMPACT
Choirs and Music
We like to share the fun life found in Christ with our community and enjoy it among our members.
Mennonites have long been known for beautiful choral singing. In an effort to keep challenging music that feeds the soul and builds the brain, our church members encourage and participate in choral programs of colleges, local Mennonite and other choral groups and church singing groups. And, of course, invite musicians to express their talent during worship and special events.
South Central Conference
Mission Statement: To equip and encourage congregations through disciple making.​
Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp
Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp (RMMC) is a ministry of the Mountain States and South Central (Kansas District) Mennonite Conferences. The purpose of RMMC is facilitating the program of the Mennonite Church by providing a place of retreat which encourages holistic Christian growth by fostering the spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual growth of each participant. Various programs are offered throughout the year for everyone.
Experience the rugged wilderness of the majestic Rockies! Observe the postcard scenery from the heights. Discover God in talks around the campfire, under a wondrous canopy of stars. Youth and wilderness camp participants along with family camp and adult retreat participants can register online (not available for Jr. & Sr. High Snow Camp programs).
national IMPACT
Mennonite Disaster Service
Mennonite Disaster Service is a volunteer network through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.
While our main focus is on clean up, repair and rebuilding homes, this activity becomes a means of touching lives and helping people regain faith and wholeness.
Mennonite Church USA
Mennonite Church USA is an Anabaptist Christian denomination with more than 109,000 members in 44 states.
A total of 21 area conferences serve as regional offices or districts for our 939 congregations. Together all parts of Mennonite Church USA strive to bring Christ’s healing and hope to others by identifying and joining God’s work in the world.
Ten Thousand Villages
At Ten Thousand Villages, we work with over 130 artisan groups in more than 38 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East to bring you fair trade jewelry, home decor, gifts and more.
As one of the world’s oldest and largest fair trade organizations, we build long-term relationships with artisans that are based on mutual understanding and respect. Fair trade enables artisans to earn a fair wage and provides the opportunity for a better quality of life.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. We build with people in need regardless of race or religion. We welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds.
global IMPACT
Mennonite Central Committee
Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. MCC envisions communities worldwide in right relationship with God, one another and creation.
Mennonite Economic Development Associates
Through its work, MEDA – Mennonite Economic Development Associates – offers poor people around the world hope – for economic security, for a better future and for peace and prosperity.
At the heart of MEDA’s work in economic development is a desire that families have sustainable livelihoods – whether through jobs with a living wage, small business or viable farms.
Mennonite Mission Network
Mennonite Mission Network exists to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world.
Our goal as the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA is that every congregation and all parts of the church will be engaged in God’s mission across the street and around the world. Our work is focused on partnering with others to equip missional congregations and their leaders to share the whole gospel of Jesus Christ in their culture.
Operation Christmas Child
A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.
In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!
current projects
Harrison Health & Education Mission
Harrison family is serving in Peru in two ways:
PROMESA, a joint venture with Engineering Ministries International, will build a brand-new school at a large new site to provide the highly sought-after higher quality education provided at Peruvian Mennonite church- run schools.
The Village Health Care Initiative promotes disease prevention program run by supplying health care kits, medications, and wellness education through church-based village healthcare advocates.
The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is an inter-denominational Christian organization committed to helping persecuted people and their family around the world. Their mission is founded on Hebrews 13:3.
VOM is an accredited member of the ECFA – Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
At the heart of MEDA’s work in economic development is a desire that families have sustainable livelihoods – whether through jobs with a living wage, small business or viable farms.
We support those who choose to serve around the world for other organizations, like Pioneers. Some in our church support the Gideons, others Youth With A Mission (YWAM), and still others Mission Aviation Fellowship.The list goes on.
If you want to be part of a congregation that reaches out beyond our church and our borders, this is the church for you.
New Project Coming Soon
Each year our church selects various missions to support through our Mission Support and Outreach Teams.
Many more missions are supported by individual members of our church. At our last Missions Festival we counted over 20 additional distinct missions than you see posted on these pages!